Magenta v0.20 README Last updated November 21, 2001 =========================================================================== This document is and can be obtained from See the RELEASE file in this same directory for information about what has changed since the last release. See the COPYING file in this directory for licensing information Please send questions or comments to (remove the word NOSPAM). A mailing list for Magenta-related announcements, news and discussion is available. See for details. Note: Magenta v0.20 requires Java version 1.2 or greater. This distribution is composed of magenta020/ contains this file, RELEASE and COPYING magenta020/magenta/ core magenta files magenta020/magenta-user/ example Agent extensions and files for demo magenta020/up2p-server/ helper files for running a up2p server - read the README in this directory for more information Installation =========================================================================== 1. Unpack the zip file. This will create the magenta020 directory and subdirectories as described above. 2. Add the magenta020 directory to your classpath. You will also need to add the magenta020/magenta-user directory to your classpath to run the demos. (you can add paths on the command-line using java's -cp option) 3. Change to the magenta subdirectory and compile all .java files (javac *.java) 4. Change to the magenta-user subdirectory and compile all .java files 5. Quick test: Type "java magenta.CLIManager" at the command line and the prompt "localhost:4444%" should appear. Type "quit" to exit. More details about setting your classpath in windows: for solaris/linux: A Simple Demo =========================================================================== This demo relies heavily on the CLIManager, an example of a command-line driven Agent derived from magenta.Agent. Read more about it and see the command reference at The demo uses the CLIManager to illustrate several important Magenta features: message passing, remote object creation and remote event notification. Open three separate windows. (Windows: DOS windows, Unix: xterms, MacOSX: under the MacOSX "Terminal" application). In window one: % java magenta.CLIManager This will start a CLIManager - an example of an enhanced Magenta Agent which includes an interface for command-line interaction. You should see the prompt "localhost:4444%" which indicates that this agent is listening on port 4444 of localhost. From now I'll refer to this agent as "Agent 4444". In window two: % java magenta.Agent localhost:4445 This will start a basic Magenta Agent which has no interface. I'll call this "Agent 4445". In window three: % java magenta.CLIManager localhost:4446 You should see the prompt "localhost:4446%". I'll call this "Agent 4446". At the prompt of window three enter the following command: localhost:4446% root print log: root [class: magenta.CLIManager name: root HostInfo: localhost:4446] :: This is a listing of the objects contained in the current CLIManager (which is inherited from magenta.Agent). There is only one object called "root" which is a pointer to ourselves (Agent 4446). Note that the command "root print" can be read as follows: send the message "print" to the AgentProxy (or AgentProxy-derived object) called "root" in the local database - i.e. send the message "print" to *ourselves*. Enter all the following commands at the console of Agent 4446 (window three). 1. create an AgentProxy representing the Agent 4445. (required to communicate with it) root create*magenta.AgentProxy*root*4445 root set*root/4445*HostInfo*localhost:4445 2. add Agent 4444 as an observer of Agent 4445 (i.e. add an AgentProxy object into Agent 4445's database under root/observers) root/4445 create*magenta.GdmoObject*root*observers root/4445 create*magenta.AgentProxy*root/observers*4444 root/4445 set*root/observers/4444*HostInfo*localhost:4444 3. create a printer in Agent 4445's database. localhost:4446% root/4445 create*Printer*root On the console of Agent 4444 (window one) you should see the following: localhost:4444% localhost:4444 event: *localhost:4445*magenta.AgentProxy* root/observers/4444*HostInfo*localhost:4444 localhost:4444 event: *localhost:4445*Printer*root/Printer0*Instantiated*true The first event is a result of step 2 (it was triggered when setting the HostInfo). The second event marks the creation of the Printer object in the database of Agent 4445. N-Queens Demo =========================================================================== The N-Queens problem is the problem of placing N chess queens on a chessboard with dimensions N x N such that none of the queens threaten each other. In this example, each queen is implemented as a Magenta Agent interacting with each other directly. The queens initially learn about eachother via a central n-queens server which also handles displaying the action. Read more about the problem and this implementation at All of the objects, including other agents, are instantiated from the CLI illustrating that the CLIManager doubles as an Magenta Agent launcher. To start the CLI: % java magenta.CLIManager At the prompt enter the following commands: 1. Create the central server (Nqueens) and assign it a host:port to listen on. This will also start the chessboard representation (NqueensViewer). root create*Nqueens root set*root/Nqueens0*HostInfo*localhost:1500 2. Create four Queen objects. root create*Queen root create*Queen root create*Queen root create*Queen 3. Assign a unique host:port for each Queen to listen on. root set*root/Queen0*HostInfo*localhost:2000 root set*root/Queen1*HostInfo*localhost:2001 root set*root/Queen2*HostInfo*localhost:2002 root set*root/Queen3*HostInfo*localhost:2003 4. Tell each queen how to contact the server (the Nqueens object). This will "wake up" each queen and they will start reacting to each other's positions. root set*root/Queen0*ServerInfo*localhost:1500 root set*root/Queen1*ServerInfo*localhost:1500 root set*root/Queen2*ServerInfo*localhost:1500 root set*root/Queen3*ServerInfo*localhost:1500 5. Cross your fingers and hope that the Queens settle into a steady state which is a solution to the N-queens problem. As of this version this is not guaranteed by any means although I *have* seen it happen. Feel free to improve though! =========================================================================== The End.